BeckyJohnson,M.A.Ed, CMS-CHT
Certified Medical Support-Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypnotherapy in Northern Colorado
can help you . . . . .
ease symptoms of chronic illness
discover the message your mind is trying to communicate about your illness
program the mind to support your body's healing

accelerate healing, post surgical healing
manage pain

study by improving your ability to concentrate and retain information.
improve test taking skills
reduce or eliminate test taking anxiety

prepare for surgery by releasing fears and maintaining a calm relaxed state
direct your body to cooperate with surgical team
reduce or eliminate the amount of anesthesia required

improve overall confidence
improve sports performance
improve old sports injuries

Smoking Cessation

achieve your goals with ease!!!!!!

These are just a few examples of how hypnosis can help you transform your life. The possibilities are endless.
Call today to schedule a hypnotherapy session and begin to experience the power of your subconscious mind .
I am conveniently located in the Northern Colorado corridor for easy access from Cheyenne, Windsor, Loveland, Greeley and Fort Collins. Check the contact page for location.

Rebecca Johnson’s services are NOT the practice of medicine or psychotherapy and are, therefore, not offered as a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment, but will serve as adjunct to these services.